Category: News

Reasons Astronauts are Growing Cannabis in Space

Cannabis in Space

Cannabis has been consumed for centuries for ceremonial, medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes, such as pulp, fabrics, and ropes. According to the survey results, As legalization for medical and adult-use markets expands, leading CBD companies are developing ever more revolutionary technology and products that are fuelling a flourishing cannabis ecosystem.
To clarify, the astronauts are cultivating hemp in space but not driving the spaceship while high, a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis that does not provide a “high” sensation. They will …

Smoking or Vaping in Space: Is it Possible?

There are a lot of ways to reduce stress in the workplace in Canada, and one of that is vaping exotics in Saint eustache. It is the process of inhaling chemicals with nicotine and exhaling it as smoke or vapor.
It is socially accepted and there are even designated areas to do these activities in different establishments. It is easy doing it on land, but have you ever thought if astronauts can do it during their work breaks in space?
Smoking in space
Smoking is a curious thing to be done in space. As you should know, smoking or …

If Life Is Found on Enceladus, There Would Probably Be Another Beginning


According to San Francisco researchers, if there are alien creatures living in the oceans of the world outside the earth, then they are most likely not related to us. Some home experts have mentioned that this technology could help home owners.
Every world has life as some scientists believe. Truly, there is an idea running around minds about the life that is found on Mars, which actually showed some evidence of habitation before Earth did.
This thought or idea is called “lithopanspermia”, which believes that spread can be natural or guided by a supernatural hand.
We don’t really know, could people really …

Canada’s Contribution to Space Exploration

Space Exploration

Canada is not only limited to Rocky Mountains, Huge Lakes, and Prairies as the majority might think. In fact, Canada has also significantly contributed to space exploration as well.
One of Canada’s famous Astronauts is Chris Hadfield. He is known to be a musical astronaut because he traveled space 3x while playing his musical instruments without gravity.
Another Astronaut that Canada is proud of is Roberta Bondar. This woman holds several degrees in Universities such as science, agriculture, philosophy, zoology, and medicine. She is very adventurous too, having certifications in both parachuting and skydiving. All her …