Reasons Astronauts are Growing Cannabis in Space

Cannabis in Space

Cannabis has been consumed for centuries for ceremonial, medicinal, recreational, and industrial purposes, such as pulp, fabrics, and ropes. According to the survey results, As legalization for medical and adult-use markets expands, leading CBD companies are developing ever more revolutionary technology and products that are fuelling a flourishing cannabis ecosystem.

To clarify, the astronauts are cultivating hemp in space but not driving the spaceship while high, a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis that does not provide a “high” sensation. They will experiment with cannabis cultivation in zero gravity among the stars and galaxies and onboard the International Space Station.

Who is Behind this Thing?

Space Tango, a company based in Kentucky, is the mastermind behind the revolutionary hemp space project. The company conducts tests on the International Space Station (ISS) in collaboration with Atalo Holdings and Anavil Market to study how hemp thrives in outer space.

This exploratory program sounds like something out of a science fiction film. To do this study, the researchers employ microwave-sized labs, all stored together in a slightly larger microgravity ecosystem in the space station. So far, the group has completed eight missions and 88 hemp trials onboard the International Space Station.

Why Would You Want to Grow Hemp in Space?

This isn’t the first time crops have grown on International Space Stations. Plants, including peas, shallots, radishes, and cucumbers, have done very well in space. However, Space Tango purposefully picked hemp as their focus for this project to investigate the many elements and qualities of the herb.

Hemp is a plant that requires particular stressors to grow into a strong and effective plant. Airflow, plant conditioning, and the proper temperature and humidity are all important stimuli for good development. Finding the proper balance among all of the stressors is a complex procedure.

Kris Kimel, the creator of Space Tango and a former NASA engineer, believes that cultivating hemp in microgravity will be less distressing for the crop. Kimel thinks that by removing stressors from the growth process, they will effectively discover how to bring those insights back to Earth. This can produce a better, more reliable, and more efficient cannabis and CBD cultivation technique.

Space Tango was formed to be the profit-making branch that would market space trials as a solution for giant enterprises looking to capitalize on the specific characteristics of manufacturing in space. They will focus their study on hemp’s health and medicinal benefits.

Few commercially viable items have emerged from outer space manufacturing, thanks to the high cost of transporting things from orbit to Earth. That is why Space Tango has concentrated on drug development and medicines. The business is forming an autonomous division devoted solely to cannabis cultivation.

Pharmaceutical substances, according to Kimel, are lightweight and might be economical to produce in tiny quantities. After all, he’s working with things that are both extremely valuable and extremely light. He envisions a future where scientific advances in plant science, healthcare, and technological innovations may be developed outside of Earth’s atmosphere.

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